Wonder Clubbing For Wonder Woman Day III


This piece, entitled "Wonder Clubbing," is one that I did for the silent auction for Wonder Woman Day III to benefit two domestic violence shelters and a women's crisis line.  I wanted to do a piece that showed Wonder Woman and her closest friends having fun and enjoying themselves, so I depicted them dancing at a club with a couple of admirers.  One of my goals for this piece was to also include characters close to the hearts of Wonder Woman comic book fans like Artemis, Etta Candy, Donna Troy, and in a way, Circe.

This illustration is available as prints. Please use the "Contact Me" form at the top-left of this page to request one and inquire further about pricing and sizes.

Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, Etta Candy, Artemis, and Circe ©DC Comics 2011 


Art For Mid-Ohio-Con Part 1


Stephanie Brown: Spoiler/Robin IV