Marble Cities
produced by Theater Ninjas (now Maelstrom Collaborative Arts)
directed & devised by Jeremy Paul
assistant directed by Ray Caspio
contributing creators & performers Davis Aguila, Ray Caspio, Brittany Gaul, Ryan Lucas, Cassie Neumann, Emily Pucell & Colleen Uszak

You are invited to a meeting both secret and arcane. Your motives belong to you and you alone. No matter what you see, no matter what you believe, you have been summoned for one purpose alone: to change the world. This is the world of Marble Cities, a place of imagination and power exploring fate, desire and future of the universe.

original music by Filmstrip
lighting design by Ben Gantose
costume design by Kevenn T. Smith
set design by Val Kozlenko
installation design by Joan Hargate
stage managed by Kaitlin Kelly

performed at Ohio City Masonic Temple
October-November 2012
photos by Frank J. Lanza Photography and Jeremy Paul, courtesy of Theater Ninjas