Spider-Man: The Boys Next Door

I'm currently involved in a local production of the play, The Boys Next Door.  The play is set in the early 1980's, and one of the characters has a scene where he wears a Spider-Man tie.  No one could find a Spider-Man tie in the stores in our area, so I volunteered to make one.  I wanted to make it rather simplistic.  It couldn't have all the dramatic coloring that comic book characters have nowadays, though I did add some shades and tones to keep it from looking completely flat.  The tie that the design went on is red, and has a pattern on it that is suggestive of a spider web.
spider-man_kevenn©Kevenn T. Smith 2009

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
©Kevenn T. Smith 2011

Spider-Man ©Marvel Comics 2011


Singular Sensation: Polychrome


Singular Sensation: Pig Guard