Ain't It Cool News Reviews the So Super Duper Complete Collection

Ain't It Cool News, arguably the biggest pop culture site on the internet, has reviewed the So Super Duper Complete Collection! There's a wonderfully funny interview with So Super Duper creator, writer and artist, Brian Andersen, himself, and the review follows. What is especially thrilling for me, is that out of all the back-up stories that were chosen to be included in the collection, mine was specifically mentioned!

"It must be said, “Pride Goeth” by Kevenn T. Smith and Ray Caspio has got me thinking that Smith would be a perfect fit for an ongoing series. His perfectly pulpy pencils are a nice fit for such a fun story--just sayin’."

The So Super Duper Complete Collection is a delightful read, and you can go here to buy either a print version (which utilizes a high quality paper, so the print version is gorgeously produced) or a digital pdf file of the collection.


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