The 3rd Annual Pay It Forward For Don Shepherd Day

Today is the 3rd Annual "Pay It Forward For Don Shepherd Day." Don Shepherd was an amazing man who spent his life helping others. He was a veteran. He was an EMS professional and saved countless human lives. He volunteered many of his off-work hours helping with homeless cats and animals. Don was the husband of my friend, comedian, actor, teacher, and writer, Kelley Lynn, who died suddenly this day three years ago. Since then, every day this year, Kelley has worked to get people to do something nice for someone else on this day in rememberance of her wonderful husband. She asks you to do something, and then e-mail her to tell her about it.

The reason that I'm mentioning this here, is because Kelley is also writing a book about her husband and her life after his death using her unique brand of humor to deal with what is normally a subject of despair. You can get a sneak peek at some of the content of her book by reading her blog: R.I.P. the Life I Knew. I am providing the cover to her book, which is scheduled to be published later this year. However, Kelley is a widow who is struggling to live on a single income now that her husband has died, and extra money for publishing a book is not easy for her to come by.

That's why there is an IndieGoGo campaign to raise money for the book. If you would like to donate, please head on over to the IndieGoGo page for her book. It would make a great contribution for Pay It Forward For Don Shepherd Day. When you contribute, you can see a preview of my artwork for the book cover in the Updates section of the campaign page. And here you can get a sample of some of Kelley's outstanding comedy where she turns pain into something to laugh at:


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