Masks Are Fashion, Masks Are Heroic - Dove
This is the 30th entry that I've posted in the series featuring "red carpet" takes on superheroes in costume with masks to promote the pro-social & pro-health practice of mask wearing during a pandemic. Although statistically not common, it is still possible to transmit and receive the COVID-19 virus even after being fully vaccinated. Masks greatly help to prevent this spread. This entry is also one of the seven final "deluxe" entries to this series, with only one more planned left to fully create after this one. This entry was originally planned to be the final piece in this series.
Dawn Granger is the second hero to go by the name "Dove." Both were bestowed magical powers by the "Lords of Order," ancient magical beings who work to govern the laws of magic in the Universe from the opposing "Lords of Chaos." Don Hall, the first Dove, died in the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and Dawn (yeah, their names sound alike) was gifted with the magical power of Dove: a danger-sense transformation into her heroic Dove identity, hyper vigilance and discernment, flight, superhuman agility, enhanced durability, quick healing, along with her hand-to-hand combat skills. Dove is partner to the much more aggressive, Hawk, who she works to calm and pacify a lot. I wanted the peace-loving aspect of this character to come through visually with the use of the peace sign gestures, necklace, sandals, and caftan dress. I also am a fan of Minka Kelly's portrayal of the character in the HBO MAX Titans series, and the dark eyes and eyebrows and side-pony of this depiction are a tribute to Kelly's embodiment of the character.
Thank you for taking the time to experience this piece."Masks Are Fashion, Masks Are Heroic - Dove" by Kevenn T. Smith
Pencil, Ink, Photoshop
©2021 Kevenn T. Smith
Dove ©DC Comics