Music, Oz Kevenn T. Smith Music, Oz Kevenn T. Smith

Compass EP Cover

My first musical release, an EP called Compass, is going to be released soon. I wanted to showcase the cover for it here, and I hope you order it when it becomes available!

©Triple Triad LLC 2024

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Music, Oz Kevenn T. Smith Music, Oz Kevenn T. Smith

You've Found Me by Kevenn T. Smith

To celebrate the Holidays, I've posted a video of a live performance of a bare-bones version of my song, You've Found Me, which will appear on my forthcoming EP, Compass. This song also ties into the Oz book that I'm working on. Click on the link below to watch the video on my YouTube channel and thanks for watching!

©Kevenn T. Smith 2023

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Music, Oz Kevenn T. Smith Music, Oz Kevenn T. Smith

Compass by Kevenn T. Smith

In my previous blog entry here, I talked about how I am currently working on writing and illustrating an original Oz book. What I didn't mention was that I'm also working on an album of songs from and inspired by the book alongside it.

I've been writing songs since I was about 13. Much like the book, it's been a long-time dream of mine to create an album of my songs (with one planned cover song so far). Putting together the songs, writing, and setting them to actual music has been such a deeply enriching creative process for me. It's also a lot of learning and new ground treading for myself, but it becomes really rewarding when I can hear a song start to sound like what I've had playing in my head.

The first song that I'm "releasing out into the wild" is called Compass. Below is a link to a live performance of a stripped-down version of the song that I've put up on my YouTube channel. I hope you like it!

©Kevenn T. Smith 2023

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